With a shield that protects you in real time this is the only spyware removal tool you will need.
The only unfortunate part about Spy Sweeper is that its only free for one update, it does however contain over 27 000 spyware definitions in its database which is far more than others we have come across.
Overall Spy Sweeper is a highly recommended download.
NEW in Webroot Spy Sweeper 4.5
- Advanced Blocking and Detection
Using new FlexDef technology, Spy Sweeper can identify and eliminate never-before-seen spyware on the fly - without the need for a specific definition. This break-through advance is just another of the many layers of protection you get with Spy Sweeper.
- New Smart Shields
Four new Smart Shields (16 different shields in total) provide greater protection from new spyware installations.
- Comprehensive Removal Technology (CRT)
Using new patent-pending removal technology, Spy Sweeper effectively disables the most sophisticated spyware programs. This advanced technology saves you time and effort by removing these vicious threats in one sweep - with no need for multiple reboots.
- Aggressive Removal of Sophisticated Spies
Spy Sweeper definitely defeats spyware programs that employ the most malicious technology today - "rootkits" - which bury and hide spyware files deep with your PC, and are invisible to most anti-spyware programs.
- Improved User Interface
The Spy Sweeper dashboard lets you quickly view all crucial information about recent sweep results, as well as spy defense updates, subscription status, and more. Plus, you now get a graphical display of the risk level for each threat Spy Sweeper finds making it easier to understand the risks spyware poses to your security.
- Faster Automated Definition Downloads
Spy Sweeper now downloads only the new or modified definitions to ensure you have the most up-to-date protection available - instantly on-the-fly.